My new obsession. I'm not great yet but I'm getting better. When I'm bored (especially all this summer), this is what I did LoL.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
My new obsession. I'm not great yet but I'm getting better. When I'm bored (especially all this summer), this is what I did LoL.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Down.........but NEVER OUT!

....So I messed up. Big time. Last semester was HORRIBLE for me. I give no excuses for my academic performance so I'll just get to the gist of the grades. 2 Bs, 2 Fs, 1 D. HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE!
I wish there was a way to explain how I felt when I got those grades and WORSE, the GPA. Of course, the thought of dropping out crossed my mind quite a few times after I EARNED the grades or maybe even pushing school off for a year but I knew that wasn't a good idea. However, waiting to CHANGE THOSE GRADES the next semester also wasn't an option. SO, I did what I promised myself I would never do again since the 5th grade: Summer School.
This was extremely hard because in total I took 4 (The three classes I did bad in and an extra Physical Science course that I would need) classes totaling around $3,500! It was not easy raising and saving this money. In fact, it was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. Along with summer school, I moved into my new apartment (and out of the dorms), increased my work hours at the gig, and continued to volunteer with my mentoring program. I stretched myself thin going from Philander Smith College to University of Little Rock Arkansas to work to mentoring.
I can still physically feel the stress of the weight of it all. However, none of that mattered to me. I had/have something to prove to others and most importantly, myself. I don't think I've ever truly believe that I could succeed but I decided this summer that I had no choice but to. I'm not an F, D, C, or even a B girl. I'm A+ status and all that I do will reflect that from now on.
So I took those classes. THREE A's and one ugly B (it was an online course that wasn't clearly described). This raised my cumulative GPA from a 2.2 to a 3.35, the highest it has been since I've entered college. And it will only get higher and higher.... I will only get higher and higher.
It has taken some time...but I'm finally beginning to get it..(Praise the Lord!)
Up next: The Goals 09-10
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
Tuesday, July 7, 2009
Diary Entry 6/25/09
Sunday, July 5, 2009
....I'm back!

Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Anyways, I've got a JOB! YAY! It took forever but I have one now. The school semester is winding down and finals are right around the corner. I'm ready! I'm currently looking for apartments since I plan to stay off campus next semester. I know that I'm eligible for grants back home so that will definitely help with my start up costs.
All in all, I think I'm going to be ok.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Retro Blog Post

Monday, March 16, 2009
...I'm thinking about writing a book. Not an autobiography though. LoL...I can't stand that people know as much as they do about me. I want to write a fiction. A novel, I guess. What do ya'll think? Would I really be able to make money writing a book? (Hate to sound money-hungry but we are in a recession LoL) Would anyone read it? Once I finish it, then what? Do I slap on a title page, staple the pages together and sale them myself? SOOO MANY QUESTIONS...
In the meantime, check out some true goofyness
Friday, February 20, 2009
Money...or lack thereof..
I'm currently looking for a part-time job. As a college student, I'm starting to see the effects of the economic recession we're in. I can't get a job ANYWHERE!
Midterms are this week. Pray for me, ya'll!
Monday, February 16, 2009
The Get-Ryte Plan..revised
Anyways, my meals are very irregular here. I'm trying to eat healthy. I live in dorms though and have to eat Caf food. It's been hard!
UPDATE: I just ate THREE slices of pizza...alright. Since I'm playing games...I'm going to do a Jillian Michaels workout tape.
I have to lose this weight!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Goal #7 update (Good and Bad Hair)

Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Hi Haters
Now before, I begin my rant I must define what I feel a hater is. I believe that a hater is a person (or institution LoL) that wishes to block you from achieving your goals and reaching your fullest potential. That's what I think a hater is. I've been called a hater before. In fact, I was called a hater a few hours ago for asking a girl why does she let some dude call her out of her name. The guy called me a hater. Really, boo boo? I don't feel I'm a hater because I'm not trying to block anyone from succeeding. If anything, I wanted the girl to think critic

Anyways, so.....I have haters. Not a lot here in Arkansas (I'm working on it LOL) but a whole heap of them back in California. Some used to be my close friends. When I began college last year at Clark Atlanta, I saw a vast difference in the way my friends back home treated me. All of a sudden, I was 'college girl who thought she was better than everybody'. Some of those 'friends' began to spread this before we even had any 'post-college' communication! Imagine that! Two months into my freshmen year and already I'm hearing a chorus of 'YOU'VE CHANGED, SADE!' My first X-Mas break was the worst! The only friends I had were college students themselves and even my family started treating me differently (not all of them..not even most...just a select few). What depressed me most was that a lot of the people who claimed that I 'was such a bad person now' were the people that I planned to help within the future working in the Child Welfare System. The people that knew what I went through and how I was raised (because they were raised the same way) now claimed that I had 'forgotten' where I came from.
So I address each claim: Do I think I'm better than anybody? No. Do I try to do the best in all that I attempt? Yes. If you don't understand the difference between the two...then that's your problem....Next, have I changed? HELLL YEAA! I mean, I've been gone for a year! You grow! That's naturally! If I came back after a year of college and was the same person I was before I left, then something wouldn't be right! I'm not the same person I was. If you can't understand that, then sounds like a personal problem...Lastly, I've forgotten where I've come from....Lord, how I wish this were true! YEP! I said it! I wish I could forget! Why would I want to remember where I cam from? Would you like me to go down the list of reasons why I dont want to remember the past? It haunts me every damn day! I don't want to be associated with that part of my life. I deserved better than what I got.....However, I can't change the I just wake up every morning and hope that it will get easier to deal with at some point. WHAT I have remembered is that there are 1000s of kids in Alameda County who were raised just like I was...and that there are 100,000s of them in the U.S. What I do remember is that they are the reasons that I am in college now. They are the ones I plan to help.
So to those friends, foes, associates and who knows...the 'eww she uglies' 'and hella lame' or the 'she hella fake and she done changed' naysayers and raters..or to the professional game have all been transformed to the category of HATERS!!!
I would ask for a speech but right now, I just can't be reached....Please try your call again.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
...I'm slipping.
Any encouraging words?

P.S. Yes, that is probably dry snot in my nose. I WAS YOUNG!!! ...and please forgive the neon pink and green scrunchie too.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Philander Smith College
Is this typical of colleges? I truly doubt it.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Saturday, January 17, 2009

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Goals 2009

1. Build a stronger/closer bond with God/Jesus
Find a church home and attend regularly
Pray every night and thank God/Jesus often
Read one scripture a week
Be certain that my goals and actions are aligned with the plan God has for me
2. Obtain a 4.0 GPA
Attend all classes, punctually
Do all class work and homework on the day it is assigned (exceptions made for big semester projects and homework)
Meet with all professors at least 4 times per semester
3. Lose 40 lbs
Cut down on carbs and eat healthier foods in the café
Drink 8 glasses of water
Exercise 3 days a week (make weekly schedule)
4. Lie Less, Laugh More
Think more before I speak
Smile more and count blessings often
Laugh at least once a day
5. Build confidence/self esteem
Continue to help others
Look in the mirror and vogue every morning
Believe and understand that I am fabulous no matter what
Continue to try and excel in all I do
6. ……………
7. Grow hair to shoulder length
Find a regimen and stick to it
Get advise from Board resources
8. Save $60/month
Figure out how much I can save per week
Don’t use credit cards at all this year (except for things you CAN pay for at that specific time)
Put money in savings account ASAP
Leave a $20 in glove compartment at all times
Friday, January 9, 2009
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Back to School
My goals 09 post is coming up!