A goal is not a goal without encountering a setback.
The worst thing about setbacks are that they're inevitable. It hasn't been a whole month into the new year and I've already been hit with a roadblock!...Stop..Let's reword that last statement in a more positive way. It took almost a whole month into the new year for one of those nasty obstacles to rear its ugly head.... OK, I tried..... Anyways, I can't be specific as to the problem because this just so happens to be associated with my mystery goal (Goal #6). However, no matter what the problem is...it always leaves you feeling stuck. Almost hopeless.
One of the good things about setbacks are that they're inevitable. LoL. Seriously, we'll always have them. What makes that good? Well, we have to learn from them... Correction, if we're wise, we'll learn from them. With each fall, we learn to pick ourselves up faster and if we're blessed with a little common sense, we might even be able to prevent another fall from happening.
So as I sit here, I think about the girl I was three years ago. I had just found out that I hadn't been accepted into ANY colleges that I applied too. It took me 3 months to get over this and begin planning my next steps. Fast Forward. I just found out some seriously bad news last Thursday. Friday, I was still pretty sad about it. Today, I'm doing my homework and thinking about plan Bs and Cs for Goal #6. I could be wrong but I think I'm getting wiser.
How are you?
1 comment:
Very creative blog name. I like it!
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