1. Build a stronger/closer bond with God/Jesus
Find a church home and attend regularly
Pray every night and thank God/Jesus often
Read one scripture a week
Be certain that my goals and actions are aligned with the plan God has for me
2. Obtain a 4.0 GPA
Attend all classes, punctually
Do all class work and homework on the day it is assigned (exceptions made for big semester projects and homework)
Meet with all professors at least 4 times per semester
3. Lose 40 lbs
Cut down on carbs and eat healthier foods in the café
Drink 8 glasses of water
Exercise 3 days a week (make weekly schedule)
4. Lie Less, Laugh More
Think more before I speak
Smile more and count blessings often
Laugh at least once a day
5. Build confidence/self esteem
Continue to help others
Look in the mirror and vogue every morning
Believe and understand that I am fabulous no matter what
Continue to try and excel in all I do
6. ……………
7. Grow hair to shoulder length
Find a regimen and stick to it
Get advise from Board resources
8. Save $60/month
Figure out how much I can save per week
Don’t use credit cards at all this year (except for things you CAN pay for at that specific time)
Put money in savings account ASAP
Leave a $20 in glove compartment at all times
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