...This is old skoo....but just as relevent (if not more...)
Are babies the new trend amongst teenage girls? Have I been left outta the loop or something? Everywhere I go, I see girls I used to go to school with, rocking oversized abdominals like they're the revival of the high waist pants or something! I mean, I'm confused! When I was a lil shorty, I watched Lifetime network for guidance on how I was supposed to live (Some of ya'll might find this funny but I don't care...Lifetime and self-help books raised me to the be the woman I am now) and Lifetime stressed the importance of waiting to have babies. So I waited...but now, at 20...I'm feeling like maybe I need to follow the in-crowd or something.
I saw this young pregnant girl the other day on the bus and asked her 'Where did you get that from?' as I pointed to her extended stomach and she told me 'Ohhh grrrl, you can get it anywhere. They on sale'. So I went home and looked in the mirror and pretended to have 'one'... It was soooo exciting until I realized...what the hell happens once 'it' comes out? I mean, 'my eggo can't be preggo forever' (I love Juno). What happens when the most fashionable item of the season becomes the newest human addition to society? You see, the difference between high waist pants and babies are that one of them can be taken off. The other is there. Forever. Forcing us to trade in our dollars saved for style for $20 cans of Enfamil.
Earlier last year, I decided that leggings was a trend that just shouldn't have happened. I mean, come on! Leggings are meant to be worn in dance class and as pajamas! They aren't cute! So I don't wear them. So, as tempting as the new (if I can even call it new) pregnancy fad may be, I'll think I'll pass. Because I'll wear some neon pink, zebra-stripped, leather tights in public before I ever spend 20 bucks on some baby food.
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