....So I messed up. Big time. Last semester was HORRIBLE for me. I give no excuses for my academic performance so I'll just get to the gist of the grades. 2 Bs, 2 Fs, 1 D. HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE! HORRIBLE!
I wish there was a way to explain how I felt when I got those grades and WORSE, the GPA. Of course, the thought of dropping out crossed my mind quite a few times after I EARNED the grades or maybe even pushing school off for a year but I knew that wasn't a good idea. However, waiting to CHANGE THOSE GRADES the next semester also wasn't an option. SO, I did what I promised myself I would never do again since the 5th grade: Summer School.
This was extremely hard because in total I took 4 (The three classes I did bad in and an extra Physical Science course that I would need) classes totaling around $3,500! It was not easy raising and saving this money. In fact, it was probably one of the hardest things I've ever done in my life. Along with summer school, I moved into my new apartment (and out of the dorms), increased my work hours at the gig, and continued to volunteer with my mentoring program. I stretched myself thin going from Philander Smith College to University of Little Rock Arkansas to work to mentoring.
I can still physically feel the stress of the weight of it all. However, none of that mattered to me. I had/have something to prove to others and most importantly, myself. I don't think I've ever truly believe that I could succeed but I decided this summer that I had no choice but to. I'm not an F, D, C, or even a B girl. I'm A+ status and all that I do will reflect that from now on.
So I took those classes. THREE A's and one ugly B (it was an online course that wasn't clearly described). This raised my cumulative GPA from a 2.2 to a 3.35, the highest it has been since I've entered college. And it will only get higher and higher.... I will only get higher and higher.
It has taken some time...but I'm finally beginning to get it..(Praise the Lord!)
Up next: The Goals 09-10